Historic Building Conservation
I am a chartered building surveyor accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) as having proven knowledge and experience in the field of building conservation.
I have been working with historic buildings since in and around Shrewsbury and the Welsh Marches and beyond for over 30 years.
I believe that my client's requirements are my principle concern and I will always seek to provide a proper and professional service and to fulfil the brief which I have been given.
However there may be times when it is inappropriate in the context of a particular building or historic detail to use types of building materials or modern techniques which the client may have proposed.
Altering, rebuilding and restoring historic buildings can often be controversial and we will always seek to fully discuss the implication of such proposals with a building owner and the controlling Authority (conservation officer for example) and to contribute to an informed discussion as to how the building should be repaired or altered.
I believe that any changes which need to be made to adapt the building for an alternative use should be reversible, without damage or loss to the building.
I aim to attempt wherever possible to retain as much of the original fabric as is feasible. I believe that previous alterations should be respected if they contain any historic interest and should be treated as part of the historic fabric of the building.
Peter Napier FRICS